Paper Mario Wiki
Paper Mario Wiki

despite the cost of 6 BP (5 for attack boost) this thing can make a major difference to gameplay: many falling objects that land on mario that are "forced" by enemies like "rawk hawk" (put link everytime you see " in blue) cuasing them to have almost zero to no effect, boosting all statuses at a grdauall pace or grinding on 1 star point off of weak enemies for HP and BP makes you basically a tank with this badge, especially if you farm multiple and dvote to leveling up BP due to suckish csts on many "common brand" items like item hog etc costing 3 BP (which for some 3BP is very expensive if costs of the same caliber are used in large qualities and quanities) this badge makes you a literall tank against hazrads but i doubt def. gives you resistance to most status effects if you let your "guard command" down, meaning if an "oat object" falls on you you could get "dizzy" but still suffer no dammage, many bosses are said to become a joke for high level players with this badge, including the "boss that drops the red crystal star" (infact hes a joke to me two with def. plus and power plus, i got to 30 HP on him with my partners turned against me, and i had 45 HP MAX, thats how easy the "red crystal star boss" aka "Doopliss" is to me) in all raising your def. by 1 in this game, IS ACTUALLY prtty good, especially when you combine that with the yoshis "mini egg" attacks.

On PMTTYD I have 2 Defend Pluses. On my badge forum I put that I recommend it. AntiguySlime guyAntiguy 05:51, April 26, 2012 (UTC)