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Paper Mario Wiki

The Parrot is a parrot found in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

With help from the Shadow Siren, Vivian, Mario managed to learn from two crows that in order to regain his body, which had been stolen by an unnamed shape shifter, he had to find the person who knew the body thief's name. So, they headed back to Creepy Steeple where the body thief lived. Going to the bottom of a well, Mario and Vivian managed to find a secret passage to a hidden room. Inside, they found the Parrot. At first, the Parrot feigns ignorance simply saying random things such as wanting crackers, but if Mario uses Vivian's ability to sink into the shadows the parrot will speak. At first the Parrot only complains about his predicament of being locked in a room, but after some ranting, it finally yells out the name of its captor, Doopliss. After hearing this Mario and Vivian sprung from the shadows and left the room.

It is unknown what happened to the Parrot after Doopliss abandoned Creepy Steeple.
