Hither Thither Hill is the fourth level of World 1 and is again very grass-covered overall. Buzzy Beetles are first encountered in this level in an underground cave through a pipe. The first area of this level has a large windmill with a blocked door. Using the Fan will move the windmill's blades and unblock the door.
If you go through the pipe in the first area you can find a lost Toad at the other end of the cave. If you help escort him back to town by going through the cave again, he will reward you with a Mushroom sticker and a passcode he heard from goombas, 4123. This code is used in the windmill and reveals a hidden pipe. Going in the cave through this pipe leads to the missing top scrap of a pipe. Placing this scrap back in place and entering it leads to a mini-boss, the Big Buzzy Beetle. Defeating this mini-boss rewards you with an HP-Up Heart. The exit to the level is past the Big Buzzy beetle. This level is fairly short overall.
Stickers and Things Found[]
Stickers: Jump, Flashy Jump, Line jump, Shiny Line Jump, Hammer, Slaphammer, Burnhammer, POW Block
Things: Matches
Secret Door: In the area with the comet piece. Inside you get the Matches.