The Fire Vellumental is a boss from Paper Mario: The Origami King. It takes the appearance of a large origami phoenix and lives in the Fire Vellumental Temple. It is the third Vellumental boss, is the third boss of Chapter 3 and is overall the seventh boss of the game.
Much like the previous two Vellumentals, not much is known about the Fire Vellumental until Mario fights it. The Fire Vellumental is a phoenix with fiery feathers that can damage Mario. The bird lives in Scorching Sandpaper Desert in the Fire Vellumental Cave.
The Fire Vellumental has a selection of attacks, the first is that it can launch out fireballs from its beak up to three times, another attack it can preform is laying out a series of fire feathers at the coast of its health on the broad that, if Mario hits on contact will get damage, it can also spew out streams of fire from its beak up to three times as well, if douse out the flames by the Water Vellumental, it retinas its attacks, tho it can preform a wing attack.
In the battle with the Fire Vellumental, the Player must line board in order to get close to the Fire Vellumental while at the same time trying to avoid the flaming feathers, though due to the Fire Vellumental being in flames, its not possible to damage the Fire Vellumental normally, there are two safe ways to damage it.
The first is to use the Iron Boots instead of the Normal Jump, as that can bypass the fire, the second is the flip the 'ON' Switch in order to use the Water Vellumental, if success it will put out the fires as well as weaken the Fire Vellumental and making him safe to the Hammer and Jump attacks for three turns.
Players should be very cautious, as if the Fire Vellumental is hit, it will lose its feathers, and after a few turns it will regain its flames and will reignite the feathers again, the Player must decide on how to approached the boss, more importantly if the Player is proceeding to finish of the Fire Vellumental with the Magic Hand ability, the Player must make sure that the Fire Vellumental's heath is less then a quarter, as if use too early, the Fire Vellumental will not only regain its' flames, but it will also regain all of its feathers and will restore all of its health.
- The Fire Vellumental's appearance bares strong similarities to Moltres from Pokémon.
- Coincidentally, the move that the Fire Vellumental can also use, Flamethrower, is also an attack in Pokémon.
- The Fire Vellumental is similar to Lava Piranha from the first Paper Mario game.
- Both bosses are fire-themed.
- Both bosses can spew out fireballs.
- Both bosses takes place in a stone-like building (Lava Piranha: Volcano, Fire Vellumental: Fire Vellumental Temple).
- Both have names that has the word which represents heat.
- Both bosses are weak to water.
- Both serves as bosses in Chapters that are labeled in odds (Lava Piranha: Chapter 5, Fire Vellumental: Chapter 3).
- The Fire Vellumental is the only Vellumental to have wings for arms.