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Elite Wizzerds are a race of Wizzerds from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, they only appear in the 100 Pits of Trials.


The Elite Wizzerds are the toughest half organic and machine enemies known. Elite Wizzerds are very powerful enemies because they're found in levels 91-99 of the Pit of 100 Trials and they can come in groups of up to five. Not counting bosses, it's actually the strongest enemy in the whole game and even stronger than some bosses like Rawk Hawk. Oddly enough, it stops giving Players Star Points at level 37 though it gives you two in level 36.


Being that they are some of the final enemies encountered in the Pit of 100 Trials, they have very high defense and attack. Like all Wizzerds, The most common attack of an Elite Wizzerd is to fire a laser, which does eight damage on either Mario or his partner; it can also pierce through any defense badge equipped. Other common attacks caused by Elite Wizzerd are its ability to tickle with their hand, — which does eight damage — as well as their lightning storm, which does the same damage as their tickle and laser attacks. Elite Wizzerds also have the ability to improve their stats like the previous Wizzerds, rather than just attacking. Elite Wizzerds can increase their attack by five, their defense by three, and restore their HP by ten. They also have the ability to make themselves dodgy, invisible, and electrified for a total of two turns. They even have the ability to cure softness caused by Mario or his partner. If alone, an Elite Wizzerd will create four copies of itself. These copies cannot be damaged, nor can they attack; they are merely created as a diversion for Mario and his partner. If the real Elite Wizzerd is found, the copies will vanish for the rest of that turn, and they will use their next turn to create the copies once again.


  • Just like the other Wizzerd species, they will not hit other enemies if the player uses Super Hammer or Ultra Hammer.

Wizzerd | Dark Wizzerd | Elite Wizzerd